Journals I have made…

  • 90 Day Reflection Journal

    I have looked for a reflection journal for months but nothing I found had exactly what I wanted. Sooooo… I made one myself. It helps me reflect on the good parts of the day and encourages me to think about what I can do better the following day. I love it because it promotes positivity and I’ll openly admit, I am not a naturally positive person.

  • Meeting Notes

    As teachers, we are expected to attend approximately one million billion meetings a year. This notebook is created by a teacher for teachers to help keep up with all the IEP, faculty, content, leadership and many other meetings.

  • My School Year

    Learn about your kid's day while encouraging positivity and kindness. This journal will encourage your students to look for the positive moments in each school day. The acts of kindness section will promote kind acts throughout the day. Filling this journal out daily will also open up discussions and bonding time between parents and kids.